Thursday, May 20, 2010

Survey: How much would you be willing to spend (maximum) on gasonline (in US dollars)?

Also in what ways would you adjust your life to compensate for the increase in gasoline, such as:

Buy more efficient car

Public Transportation

Sacrifice other activities financially to compensate for budget constraints


Survey: How much would you be willing to spend (maximum) on gasonline (in US dollars)?
Since our public transportation is terrible and we don't quite have any decent electric vehicle options yet (though that should change starting in about 2 years), we're basically forced to pay whatever oil companies charge for gas.

I already bought a Prius and bike to work, so there's not much else I can do to reduce my gas consumption even if it goes up to $10/gallon.
Reply:I would probably begin to change my driving habits if it hit $6.00/gal in todays dollars. If this were to occur, I would curtail my discressionary driving. I would not buy a more efficient car as I personally find all of the available high mileage cars to be extremely undesirable, in fact down right horrid.
Reply:I would be willing to spend 5 or 6 dollars a gallon if it would guarantee that no middle eastern or Arab oil is imported ever again.
Reply:lol I'm not " willing " to spend any more then i have to but i have no choice in the matter. A wile back i was willing to give a dollar a gallon and now look what happened they took advantage of that willingness and charging 3 dollars a gallon forcing me to drive a small truck and have to make twice the trips to haul materials that only took one trip with a large vehicle

As far as sacrificing other activities i think we all did that years ago . Now what do they want blood ? Sorry I'm not sacrificing a damn thing anymore . Any extra cash i have is going into alternative energy and as far as fuel goes now ill dump anything in my tank as long as it burns i know the pollution will end up killing us one day but what the hell the big oil company's are killing me anyway forcing me to stay home . I know allot of people dumping crap into there tanks as long as there wheels role that's all they care about . There's allot more going on then people can see or realize so when you get behind that truck blowing smoke keep your windows up and get past him as fast as you can because you never know what hes burning trying to make a buck to feed his family

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