How much would you be willing to spend (maximum) on gasonline (in US dollars)?
Also in what ways would you adjust your life to compensate for the increase in gasoline, such as:
Buy more efficient car
Public Transportation
Sacrifice other activities financially to compensate for budget constraints
This is a survey for my pyschological class, thanks for your opionion!
SURVEY on how you would cope with an increase in gasoline prices?
I guess this depends on the price increase. I would still purchase gas to some degree even if it spiked another few dollars, but I would begin using it as sparingly as possible.
Buying a more efficient car wouldn't be feasible for me.
Public transport might also rise in price, but I would definitely use it.
I'd ride my bicycle a lot more, since I can get almost anywhere I need to on it.
Reply:The increase in gas prices has economically determined that it is more cost effective for me to remain unemployed rather than seek a career in the finance/ mutual fund industry.
I had hoped to return to work after a real long sabbatical. The commute to work is 22 miles. During rush hour this commute averages 1.25 hours to get to work and 1.25 hours to get home totaling 2.50 hours per day. At a salary receiving $25.00/hour I am wasting $75.00 per day in traffic. Additionally, the increase in gas prices add an additional $5-7.50 per day. So the total cost to get to work daily is about $82.00. So after tax earnings are $140.00 less commute costs $82.00 making my total earning $62.00 a day.
The alternative choice is to work near my home. This area does not have work specializing in my profession ... so the alternative is to look at less paying jobs with less commute time and gas used. Turns out that working minimum wage earns me about the same without the grief of dealing with rush hour.
As you see it is not the price of gas that is the bulk of this decision but the condition of the highway systems and commerce in the USA.
$25.00 per hour paid times 8 hours = $200.00 per day
In the 30% tax braket we take out $60.00 (200.00 *.3) leaving take home pay at $140.00 per day.
Reply:I think higher gas prices are good. Plus, I lived in Tokyo for a while, so US gas still seems reasonable to me. I think up to around $6 per gallon is acceptable.
I'd probably buy a hybrid vehicle, although I already use public transportation and walking to get to and from work. I'd just use it more, for shopping trips and grocery trips.
My biggest concern is the impact on heating my home. I live up north, and my home is 80 years old. We've put in modern insulation and windows and have a modern boiler and a tankless water heater, but it's still not as energy-efficient as a modern house. We'd probably end up doing something like adding a wood burning stove to increase the heating while keeping bills down.
As a Canadian, I would b*tch and moan and then head to the gas station to bend over and fill'er up!
My maximum has already been surpassed. I started resenting the price when it hit $1.00CDN/L
Reply:dont waste gas...
Reply:I'd walk everywhere.
Reply:Personal mobility is almost essential for an acceptable quality of life in our society, as the gas companies well know. They are using this to bleed us all dry!
To those who say it is okay because it costs more in other places, I would have to say,
Does that mean I should consider it okay for someone to shoot me with a 22 caliber bullet just because someone else, somewhere else, is getting shot with a 38?
Does that mean that because someone broke BOTH of somebody else's legs, I should let them break ONE of mine?
I think NOT!
Thugs who rob people from their leather-upholstered chairs in the boardroom are NO better than those who ambush their prey in dark, inner-city alleys, and I will NOT willingly volunteer to be victimized by them any more than I would walk through a garbage-filled alley at 1:30am and shout "Hey, here I am! I'm unarmed and I'm carrying lots of cash!"
Somehow, the fact that somebody else is getting ripped off and tolerating it, just does NOT inspire me to submit with good graces to a similar, but slightly lesser rip-off!
As my boyfriend always says, "RIGHT is right, but WRONG is nobody's friend!"
As to what I'd do, well, I might consider going back to riding a motorcycle. When I lived in warmer and drier climates, I rode motorcycles for 22 years before I ever learned to drive a car. Since I learned how to drive 4-wheeled enclosed vehicles, I have almost completely stuck with them and am decades out of practice with the motorbikes, now. However, I could be economically forced to go back to my former, riskier, means of personal transit.
I really hope this does not happen, though, because I live in the Pacific Northwest now where the climate is not exactly conducive to the year-around use of open, unsheltered transit devices.
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