Monday, May 11, 2009

Survey:What really drives you nuts when you're driving around in your (or someone else's) car?

****when the gas tank gets close to empty and I have to pay 5 billion dollars to fill it back up

-when people go faster than me

***when people wait until the last minute and cut me off even though i try not to let them get over..because they need to wait until I pass by first.

-when there is nothing but commercials on the radio.

*when there are two lanes..and both people in each lane are going too slow for my preference and I can't pass them because they are driving side by side

-when people in the right lane who are going straight dont get over more to the left so that I can turn

-when i have to drive long distances and a cop gets on the freeway and stays on it for a long time so I can't go fast

-when people drink and drive

-construction in the middle of the day when they can do it in the middle of the night!!!

-messed up roads with gigantic potholes and lumps

Survey:What really drives you nuts when you're driving around in your (or someone else's) car?
ppl who insist on driving slow in the fast lane
Reply:People who whip out in front of me when no one is behind me for miles and then drive below the speed limit.
Reply:When I see bumper stickers supporting Clinton or Obama.


Let me see the thumbs down! :)
Reply:My passanger telling me how to drive.
Reply:people going slow in the fast lane
Reply:when i cant recline the seat
Reply:when there's heavy traffic and someone cuts in front of me w/o turning on their signal...people talking on their cells and driving really slow because of it...i feel like getting out of the car to slap them
Reply:When the mirrors are changed, when the police pull you over for driving too fast . when people don't use signals. when people ask questions on answers pertaining to driving when they know I am not in my car and able to list all the things that bother me instead they should ask what annoys me at my office at home when i am answering questions on yahoo.
Reply:People who drive slow in the passing lane. Aarrghh!
Reply:Drivers who have on their minds, only their cell phones!!. not caring about defensive driving, laws, and speed limits. for God sakes pull over!!
Reply:when u can't get the seat adjusted the way u want it :))d
Reply:backseat drivers....or people who are in front of me and throw their nasty trash out the window!!!!
Reply:when people drive under the speed limit, or when they cut you off and drive slow....when someone's turn signal is on, and they never turn.....ohhh too many more things too list, im an angry
Reply:When there is 2 lanes and no right turn lane and at a red light the person sits in the right lane when the left lane is empty so I have to wait for a green to turn right.
Reply:tail gaiters..they're the reason i have a baseball bat in my trunk
Reply:Tailgaters! I driver slower to make them mad
Reply:when people go slow in the left lane


when no one uses their turn signal

1. People jaywalking, I wish the cops could put them to jail! seriously, don't people know how to use sidewalks and crossing signs!??

2. Traffic!

3. The weird smell that sometimes I am not used to like the perfume or stuff in someone's car, makes me want to barf!

4. Getting carsick

5. When the music their playing is too loud or not my type!

The list goes on and on!!!!
Reply:Bunnys running across the road.
Reply:in sombody elses car its when they go flyin up behind a person at a stoplight and ur sh*ttin ur pants wondering when there gonna put the brakes on! in my own car its when im late for something and every 3 seconds i get a stoplight or stuck behind some slow bad driver or something!!
Reply:rabbits playing chicken with me
Reply:when i drop something out of my hand then have to find it while trying to drive
Reply:them changing the radio constantly
Reply:Lately it's been construction and potholes. I love Chicago! lol
Reply:People with trailers.
Reply:Nothing, unless their driving.*

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